Happy Monday!! I had an amazing weekend filled with lots of me time and a fab girls night out. Hope everyone had a great, fun filled weekend too. 🙂
I recently read the book 168 hours: You have more time than you think. Written by Laura Vanderkam. Really loved the book and the past few weeks have been keeping track of my time and trying to figure out where it all goes!
We get 168 hours each week.. I sleep about 7 hours per night and at 7 nights that is 49 hours, leaving me 119 hours each week to work, play and do things I LOVE!
Take it a step farther and subtract the hours you work. Say you work 40 hours a week? That still leaves you 79 hours in your week. 🙂 It’s really interesting to take a good look at what we are going with our time. It was extremely enlightening for me.
When I started keeping track and accounting for my time, I realized that I was oblivious to how my time was being spent. I had lots more time that could be utilized productively, doing things that would make me happy. I was shocked at the amount of time that was being wasted on absolutely nothing that really mattered or was necessary. Total time wasters. Each week that I have kept track of, I have learned something new about myself and time management. Now I see myself getting more work done and doing things that actually bring more meaning & joy into my life.
I love list making! I make lots & lots of lists. Lists of things I want to do, To-Do lists, Workshops & Classes, Ideas, Workouts & Health, Projects, Books to read, Beauty & Pampering must do’s, Happy movie lists, Happy songs lists, and the list goes on and on! With all these things I need/want to do, I have to make sure I am spending each hour of the day in a way that supports them. I used to think I was way too busy to do anything on these lists and had just wrote them off as dreams and stuffed them in the back of binder to collect dust. Not true.
Everyone will have a different experience in doing this. We are all unique individuals with different schedules, wants & needs. I’m sharing my worksheets that I use to keep track of my activities throughout the week. There is 2 of them – The first, is a pdf file that has the whole week on it. The second is a daily PDF that would require a new sheet each day. I prefer the daily sheets because I need more space to write on, so I can actually read what was written. If your good with shorthand the weekly would be easier to carry around and less paper to print up. It’s all personal preference. I like to print out seven sheets, one for each day of the week on pretty pastel colored paper, run it through a hole punch and stick it in my planner so I always have it available.
Feel free to grab these worksheets and use them however works best for you.

Rachel said...
on February 15th, 2012 at 2:24 pm
Thank you so much for these worksheets! I am going to give them a try and see if I can figure out where all my time is going! 🙂
Sarah said...
on February 15th, 2012 at 5:34 pm
Thanks so much! I am hoping this helps me get more sleep and more stuff done all at the same time 🙂
Rhonda said...
on February 16th, 2012 at 9:30 am
Good luck!! It really helped me and was just so interesting to see the results. 😯
Andréa said...
on March 5th, 2012 at 9:45 am
your blog is really excellent. it inspires the readers who have that great desire to lead a better and happier life. thanks for sharing this information and hope to read more from you.
jackie said...
on July 2nd, 2012 at 10:27 am
these are great!
however… wednesday is spelled wrong and it cut off a lot of the info when I printed it…
I’ve seen it in an excel sheet and it works well too!