So stoked! My Gypsy arrived a couple days ago and I am having a blast creating with it. Got all my cartridges linked up except for George. Apparently with the software version 1.55 there is a bug that will not let you link George. I called tech support and they said it should be fixed with the next update in two weeks. I am not always the most patient person in the world. O:-) I was also able to pick up several of the new cartridges which should be arriving today. So much fab stuff lately, it is getting hard to keep up. I still need to go pick up a stylus and protective case.
Anyways, be looking for some really fun and cute, cutting files for design studio and gypsy.

Added some more Valentine goodness to the shoppe today. My Heart is a fun and pretty collection of heart papers in stunning valentine themed colors. My Heart contains 21 sheets of digital paper and prints beautifully. Add them to your paper collection and start crafting with them today!
This paper pack is texture free to allow for maximum clean, printing quality. Print on high quality white cardstock or premium presentation paper for best results.

Here is a picture of a few projects I was working on that shows My Heart paper pack in use. I printed them out on white cardstock and had a blast creating with them… they print out beautifully!! The little box will be offered to gypsy and design studio owners for free within the week.

Tiff@ThreePeas said...
on January 12th, 2010 at 5:10 am
The gypsy sounds like a must have! Maybe I will get one for my birthday. I have hinted. LOL. Love the paper! I’m so into making valentines right now.
version 1.55 said...
on March 4th, 2010 at 1:04 pm
[…] (a shortened version at 1.55 miles) which will be run twice in quick succession in the dark. …Gypsy love! My Heart- paper pack | Eyeinspire's BlogMy Gypsy arrived a couple days ago and I am having a blast creating with it. Got all my cartridges […]